Thursday, February 08, 2007


Dear Olson Society members and film supporters,

I wanted to give everyone a new year's update. I'm spending the next couple of weeks in an audio studio tweeking and prepping for a February sound mix. This is the last major technical piece of work to be done. I am hopeful some donations will come through between now and then to fund the mix otherwise.... I'll go fish. I'm committed to a March wrap. This train is not making any more stops. I hope the following screenings will help toward pay off the dept.

My target is March 3rd at Beyond Baroque in LA. If you know people in the LA area please let them know. They can check for updated info. The big push is slated for April. The first screening is set up for April 10th at Bridgewater State, next off to Buffalo on April 14th. I'm working on screenings in Worcester(Clark or WPI), Salem State, Wesleyan, Uconn and Harvard (Gerrit's been in touch with Don Share at the Poetry Room and I will be following up). If anyone has other ideas about where the film can be shown drop me a line.

Poetry Month could be busy so I'm thinking the Gloucester opening at the Historical should be in May. We should consider having a short live component. I sent Bo Smith, film curator at the Museum of Fine Arts film program a rough cut and he's gung ho about having a screening either in May or June. Bo had read Olson but had never seen him. I want to talk with Bill Corbett about helping with the live component there. When I get the film burned to DVD I'll send it to Malkovich, If he's in town maybe he'll want to read at the MFA or in Gloucester.

Kenny Riaf and I have been fine tuning the piece over the last couple of months and feel the changes made have made for a better film. We hope it connects to a new audience who have never heard of Charles Olson.



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